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Create a kite shield in Photoshop

Learn how to create a coloured kite shield with this photoshop tutorial

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Click the OK button and with your selection still active got o Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to 10 pixels. You should have something like in the image below:

You need to add a shadow to your shield so double Click the shape layer again in order to see the Lyer Style options and choose Drop Shadow with the following values: Opacity 35%, Angle 90 degrees, Distance 5px and Size 15px, leaving the other options intact. Your shield should now look like this:

You see that the margins look really jagged and you don't want that CTRL+Click the shape layer in order to Load it's selection again and go again to Edit > Stroke. This time I want you to set the Width of the Stroke to 2 pixels, Color to #b3b3b3 and Location to Center. Click OK.

At the end of this photoshop tutorial you should have a nice shield like this one:

If you want to go a little further with the effects and styles apllied to the shield you can obtain something like I have below:

This tutorials was made by Andrei Bilan and is used by t-tutorials thanks to his courtesy.
Please visit the original page as well,


Submitted by Martin on 2006-09-23 20:05:12. Since then read 128051 times.
Scored 2.9 points out of maximum 5 by 40 votes.

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