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More smaller cards or less bigger cards

People like to save money so they usually shop in bulk. People who buy 1 GB card might be surprised when they find out that two 512 MB cards, reaching the same capacity, are cheaper. In IT this is sometimes usual. Why? Because the technology used to fit in the double amount of data into the same size of cards is more expensive. The biggest difference can be seen with 4 GB cards.

One big card? That is good when we are afraid of losing all the smaller cards and once we put the card into the camera we leave it there.

There are more reasons for buying more smaller cards. Besides saving few coins, it is safer. Well, IT, anytime any gadget can just stop working, and we can just replace the card with the other one. I bet you can find some people who can then recover your data from unusable card. But if you are just stuck with one…. you may lose everything. Not good. What is even worse, don’t even think about this, you can lose the camera itself or it might be stolen. One card? Pictures are gone, only memory remains, ha. More cards? You might have left them at hotel and, yay, you have at least some!

So which one? I prefer having more cards. I don’t like 100% relying on technology.

Will card “survive” reckless behavior?

There are several types of cards. From the first view they all look similar. They are. Definitely, memory cards are the most resistant medium you have at home. Many have survived washing machine, run over by car, ironing, throwing, jumping on… (don’t try it though!) And unbelievably they still could be read from. The fact is, that there is no power in them so when they get soaked in water, there is not short-circuit. When you drench it in something weird (ocean, sea, soup…), it might be good to wash it in clean alcohol. Because salty water wants to rust its contacts, avoid that by washing it and then drying it. Remember to dry properly, you camera or any reading device might not like it – recommended 12 hours at least.

More coming soon
Camera and reckless behavior?
How many batteries I should take?
Restoring my data?

Please post your ideas in discussion. Thanx!


Submitted by Radoslav on 2006-05-31 01:05:36. Since then read 31421 times.
Scored 3.67 points out of maximum 5 by 9 votes.

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test test said on 2009-12-18 18:59:18

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