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How to create a blueberry

Learn how to draw a blueberry with this photoshop tutorial

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Create a new layer above the circle layer and by using the Polygonal Lasso Tool make a selection similar to what you see I did in the image below:

Now press the X key so that your foreground color is the darker shade of blue and using the brush tool fill the are within the selection, but do not deselect yet. You should have something similar to this:

Using the Burn Tool simply darken some areas inside the layer you just created. Here is how I done it:

Now you have a blueberry just make it a little smaller in size using any transformation method you wantand you can obtain something like this:

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Submitted by Martin on 2006-09-24 15:41:36. Since then read 70872 times.
Scored 4.31 points out of maximum 5 by 16 votes.

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Angela said on 2008-03-14 04:08:21
I like the effect, but the berry's a little too hard and unrealistic

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